Last Day.

1:07 AM Michael 0 Comments

Finish line

9:40 AM Michael 0 Comments

At 11 o'clock i will be sitting in final 2.5 hours towards a BFA in fashion design.
Unreal is the world.

In Excelsis Deo.

Lights On

12:26 AM Michael 0 Comments

Thierry Cohen photographs cityscapes and then photographs deserts at night, combing the two to show us what our cities would look like with the lights off. The stars are not enhanced, they are actual photos from relative latitudes that would expose the same starry sky view if it weren't for light pollution. Click on each photo to see which city it is."

Real life

4:14 AM Michael 0 Comments

With Jie Jie
My dear housemate Maggie Ge is an aspiring animator, specializing in lighting, molding, and making good food. We love you, Beijing, 

Many eggs, Many baskets, Two hands

12:09 AM Michael 0 Comments

I imagine, it must be valuable to hold several aspirations, rather than holding onto few. Maybe we are meant to want/have many. Even ones unrealized. 
There will be assistance.

You know what, this whole thing is so funny, because there really used to be only one thing I wanted to do for quite while now. I felt that if I focused all of my energies and attention into this one goal it would pipeline me to a favorable destination. And, it actually has. Looking around, it has treated me well.
Truthfully, I would find it really weird when people weren't sure of what they wanted to do or what direction to take. Like, when acquaintances would change their majors 3 times in one year and still ask me what they should really be. Now all of a sudden I am somewhat finding myself in those shoes. I have the same ideas, the same goals, but I feel as though they have sprouted a little. Now there are several ideas poking at me, several goals flashing in front of me. And I think mostly I am still awake because I want to grab onto all of them. Can I do that? I don't know. Who knows... Is there a certain sequences I should take between these events? So many new questions.
And in all of this (present), day to day thinking, pondering, wondering around Savannah, I've realized, I think I am living a little too intensely. I am always trying to figure out if I am doing things the right way, in the right order. Haha, it is a little too hot outside to be so uptight. And, it's embarrassing because I can trace myself being this way several times. "Should I or should I not tell someone this about myself", "Should I or should I not wait to do this at a better pace with full attention", "Should I have sent this email at a more super appropriate time using my long distance mind reading powers?" Lol I am literally trying to eat myself. Let goooo Miguel, let go. Just take your hands off the keyboard and eyes off the screen. Then again, may be I am commanding this too intensely.

(Photos: Cuba, Tokyo, Opera House, S Korea)

A Good day

3:59 PM Michael 0 Comments

I'd like to share some nice things I've recently stumbled upon. ----And find myself watching one of their videos multiple times a day. Have good days too.

Matthew Hussey

Noah Hammond