Dos chicos.
For such a personal platform, I actually talk rather little about my personal life. Maybe it's my desire of somewhat privacy, maybe it's my fair of sharing frivolous or temporal things. But there are people, there are moments in my life that I want to never forget how they made me feel, how they uplifted me, and how they took care of me.
One night, post Easter Vigil I believe, Danny and I found ourselves in Waverly Diner and we started crying. Because life was good! But we already were crying for the future. And here we are. Stronger, smarter, and more vulnerable than ever. Vulnerable - that's so important. And it's something I struggle with. I have a lot of emotions. Danny really reverenced exercising being vulnerable. And I'm too scared to share the real me. Thank you for challenging me, and for pushing me to shoot higher, not get to comfortable, and feel worthy of good and wonderful things. Congratulations on Columbia! I'm sure we will see each other again in the future. I feel a little bit scared to go at it alone, but I know we both can! May life be good to you friend. May God continue to be good to you.