Job seeking, blogposting, positive thinking
So it's looking a little like me against the world again. Or at least myself and everyone else seeking to be free fashionable labor over the summer. And so I find myself spending A LOT of time on Google. Bless you. After much researching I couldn't keep my mouth from opening viewing resumes from other students at schools like Parsons, FIT, and even completely non design schools.I was just mixing up the viewage. Could you imagine having Valentino, Marc Jacobs, and Yohji Yamamoto all together on your resume? haha. gosh. I think like artwork, resumes / experience are good to evaluate just to get a better lay of the land.
Here is Caitlyn Carlisle's portfolio. We don't know each other personally, and she has no idea I'm writing this -but her simple, totally navigable blog blew my mind - and maybe it'll do the same to yours. If you take a look at her res, she's having some of these internships during her time at school. I'm not just oogling over it... it's motivation! "Inspiration" Not. to. give. up. Let's. not. give. up.
(Btw, seriously, congratulations Caitlyn. So impressive. It's so on. ;))
On another note, in US News
"21 Secrets to Getting the Job" one of the tips suggested finding release from all the wear and tear of job searching or even the wear from having a job:
Don’t let it all just fester inside. Get it out through exercise, therapy, meditation, prayer—whatever works. Even when you’re not leaving the house (to go to a job interview or network), get dressed as if you were. Shower, shave, coif, and put on a decent outfit. You’ll feel better, promise.
It's so true. I think this is partially why I can't wait to go to church or take a shower. It's an odd escape, but an escape none the less. Sometimes I find myself living so on the edge, with these really terrible attitudes. Being overwhelmed takes a toll in frightening ways. "Relax". Breathe. Be ok. This may sound really silly, but look at the sky, look at the moon. Every thing is going to keep working, progressing, and you will too. I've died so many times. Cheers to a new quarter my friends. May we live again soon and come out with beautiful portfolios!
Best wishes!
Here are some possibly helpful links I've found/used internship searching-
College Central
Free Fashion Internships
50 Buzzwords you shouldn't use on your resume
Lavie Margolin's Lion Club Job Search
Parsons Career Services (it's not cheating, it's published on the web and it's IN New York)
Internship Cover Letters / Resume (So, So, SO, helpful) (there ARE answers out there)
Youtube (to watch videos about the designers, companies, videos are
totally different from images)
The designer's website
Also, the comments section on posts. You'd be surprised how many people who work or have worked in HR post on there.
There are so many other links, I hope this has been a tiny bit helpful. <3