6 months in, I'm sitting on the tenth floor of 59th street unwrapping goodness in a tea bag and there it greets me. In my hands, to my eyes, beaming through my cortex. My biggest challenge. My ultimate area to improve. And I am smiling because, wow, look what the universe knew it needed to show me. So what am I really looking for out of life... I look for instances in life where I am motivated to elevate my understanding of the world, other people, what I am capable of and what I am not despite my efforts. I've always thought pride to be such a scary thing. Wasn't it Lucifer's pride that cast him out of heaven. And really it is mine that makes me feel the way I do. But also mine that makes me want to be a better me. But the I, I am right now must be accepted and embraced and so I cheers to you tonight. Be proud of who you are.