My 2015, this time next year, will we be also be saying, "My how quickly this year flew by"? How brightly we anticipated '14. And she's still with us, still shining. 2015 might I not enter only with desire, but with the wisdom to make every moment be and feel one-of-a-kind. That I not only seek moments that take my breath away, but immerse myself in the moments where I already feel that way. That I look upon every day as a day with opportunity glistening between the mundane. And that I get ever so stronger when things don't go the way I wish, and that I see those happenings happened for the better.
Brightest year yet
11:27 AM Michael 0 Comments
All in all this year is spectacular. I have still yet to get over how magnificent our apartment is, and how warm this season has made it. I've learned and experienced so many new feelings thanks to all of you I am meeting along the way. I also feel more energized than I did previously before. Mostly I must remember to not close myself off to all the good things that could happen just because they don't seem in line with the plans I imagined for myself. Go with the flow, be smart, be bright.
8:54 AM Michael 0 Comments
I am standing on the train and notice someone looking over and so I look over too. When the seat in front opens I slide into it and they slide into the spot next to me. We go a few stops and notice them smiling again, so in a moment of unexpected boldness, I ask what they are smiling about and if I missed something funny. In the conversation to follow I ask if they grew up in New York. After the 'no' I actually thought would be a 'yes', they follow with, "guess". And I am just thinking, "The world is so big, how could I possibly guess". Reflecting on those words later, my, how profound that is. They could really be from any where in the world, and the world really is so big. So many awesome people are out there I have never met before. So many people we are compatible with and can effect each other in extraordinary ways. They say, "Cyprus". So there's really no need to grasp. There really are "many fish in the sea" and many opportunities to make connections. You've just have to have these moments of boldness, no matter how awkward, to say hello.
4:41 AM Michael 0 Comments
“Have you ever had that feeling—that you’d like to go to a whole different place and become a whole different self?”
― Haruki Murakami, The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle
Amino (Acid)
11:08 PM Michael 0 Comments
A big project for this part of my life has been to create a fulfilling existence. Am I working to my fullest potential? What can I do to make it better? Is there a way to maximize the life I already have by linking it to my future goals? The best answer is to perform best for others' success and push for my own. Really, don't we all want to become our most valuable.. So here is where I am, Miguel. These are the building blocks. Will keep all progress logged and eyes set forward.
Curiosity vs. Comfort
10:57 PM Michael 0 Comments
I'd say our willingness to take or not take risks is a primary element to creating our future.
I was walking through the 53rd street pathway thinking how the age old phrase, "curiosity killed the cat" is actually true in many ways. There have been many times before I have been hurt by my curiosity. But there are also many good things that would not have come to me if I were not curious. The times I decide not to be curious or go getting must be attributed by my desire to be comfortable and far from harm. Comfort is comfortable, but so not exciting. Right now I am thinking of how I need to reopen, apply and close the jobs on my browser instead of waiting for the next day. I'm so afraid of not hearing a response I'm not even doing anything.
All of this is really just to talk myself into jumping more times than I don't. And to think I could be far more happier than I am now if I put my pride away and get ready to get up after the silence or smile at hearing the "yes" I so readily want to hear.
When the universe is on your side
12:14 AM Michael 0 Comments
I'm standing in line at the grocery and adjusting a small error on my receipt from the day before. The guy behind me asks, "Do they not take card? If they don't no worries, I will cover for you." And I am thinking wow, I don't even know this guy and he is so generously offering a safety net when I am not even jumping out of a helicopter . So astonished, my thoughts converge to think of how taken care of I am. I earnestly wish him a good evening, after all those were some unexpected good feelings. My take away is to invest good into the world because every now and then the world invests good in you and when you feel it, it feels amazing.
Floating for peace
11:13 PM Michael 0 Comments
For getting on work on time and groomed this morning despite all odds.
For the new umbrella that keeps me dry. Shout out TJMaxx
Also... that picture frames went on sale at Target.
For making new connections and relationships with influential people at work. For listening to me.
Learning to make the most of the situation I am in but having people to keep reminding me to aim higher and refuse to get to comfortable.
For my awesome phone that seems to have just enough battery to get through the day and shut off only just before I reach my apartment.
My parent's encouragement, because that is our most valuable gift to each other.
For all the meals that I have recently received for free. I am surrounded by big hearted people committed to keeping me fed. May I also return the favors in full.
For all moments of feeling happy. They are all not regrettable.
For having my back against my new bed in my still new to me room.
For having the means to shelter myself.
For being quick to love and quick to heal when needed.
For today's sense of optimism and accomplishment that has swept over me.
For being headstrong in making the future count.
In being un afraid to ask for what I want in order to make it happen.
For choosing myself as a friend, comrade, and sidekick to all sides of me. That I work with myself and not against myself.
Last Dance.
10:47 PM Michael 0 Comments
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