ph | Julia Dávila Lampe [CHAULAFANITA]
"We do not choose to be born. We do not choose our parents. We do not choose our historical epoch, or the country of our birth, or the immediate circumstances of our up brining. We do not, most of us, choose to die; nor do we choose the time or conditions of our death. But within this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: with purpose or adrift, with joy or with joylessness, with hope or with despair, with humor or with sadness, with a positive outlook or a negative outlook, with pride or with shame, with inspiration or with defeat, and with honor or with dishonor. We decide what makes us significant or insignificant. We decide to be creative or to be indifferent. No matter how indifferent the universe may be to our choices and decisions, these choices and decisions are ours to make. We choose to do or what we refuse to do. And as we decide and choose, so are our destinies formed. "
Thinkertoys, Michael Michalko