Have I ever told you before I used to wish I had a laptop so I could be somewhat closer to appearing like Kitty Pride from X-Men. The camera would pan on her as she would wrap up the narration of certain episodes, lounging on a ledge or a tree branch, laptop firmly pressed against her hips, and tap tap taping away against the key board. It would inspire me to spend hours customizing the perfect dell laptop online. And there I would wish away.And then...all these years later I find myself smiling at the notion of how many times I am sitting in a hotel room all over the country, white sheets strewed out around me, and I am tap tap taping away little non-sense notions that may or may not get posted.
How cool is it to write to you though, because every now and then, I surf to the past and there you are, old self. Life will be hard, but the sun will always come up. And there is so much champagne to be offered to you in your premium seats. Who would have ever thought...
How is life treating you? Well..I hope. I will always be right here dude, telling you, you've got this.
Right now, I am in Eagan, MN. Kinda a little bit of a birth place for me. A birth place of a new michael. I swear when I look at old pictures of myself, I feel like there is a disconnect. But you know what, that is a good thing. Because you are growing. You are stronger. And I totally love you, even if I did not before.