Influential Person #6: John Rise
I owe a lot of credit for the way I approach classes and assignments thanks to John Rise. When I first arrived, now as silly as it sounds I didn't understand what good it did to devote every waking moment you had to an assignment / project and I honestly feel as though his drawing II class really helped shape my work ethic and more over myself, in a way I find appealing. I will always remember when he expected us to put in 40 hours a week and for our work to be better than all other drawing II and drawing III classes. And while I expected myself at the time to be a disappointment to him I put in absolutely everything and came out with drawings I could not even fathom being able to accomplish. And yes I'm sure they weren't as good as many other students in the class. My work never went up on the wall, and I didn't get anything higher than a B. I'm really proud of the new self that came out of the class. Always ready to work. Always ready to give a billion percent of my life and time to the project and always ready to surprise myself. Impress yourself. You can never finish doing so. So thank you John. I really do owe you a lot of thanks for your ridiculous expectations. I hope I can continue to do so for whomever I may work for, my professors, and myself.Copyright © John Rise
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