Marc By Marc.
As you flowers probably already know, Marc was in Savannah yesterday! I was so sure I wasn't going to go because I had that paper and the discussion and the fabrics to dye and I didn't do any of it and the prospect of going there and getting to class on time was looking pretty bleak. But I wrote it up as well as a little something else, and I am so glad I went! So exciting! Crazy because famous people really are just people no matter what. Maybe I'm just stupid. But he's obv super talented and is ready to show off those legs underneath that kilt lol.Any way, midterms are over! Oh my gosh but totally not at the same time. What is up Eckburg. All that work. Never ever take "intro to fashion" as an elective unless you are Fashion Design/Marketing. Don't take it for fun...take Fash Technology! haha. IT"S NOT FUN. And intro to textiles, Ba hum bug. Oh my gawsh. Evil. It's funny because we choose this major, but I don't know anyone who is in love with it. It's hard and stressful and peeling off years off of my face and life. But you know, put some vitamin E and anti aging cream on your face and I'm sure you guys will be okay ;)
Ps, now I might have made a fool of my self, but when I was up there I asked him "Do you take instant fan mail" and he looks up at me like "what are you talking about?" and then says "cha" (not chyea) and I give him this:
Ha I hope his hand doesn't hurt too much. I wasn't going to show my portfolio, this isn't about self promotion in that way. The last thing I would want to do is look at some ego's port. But I sure hope that he had a good time last night at Mr. Duffy's birthday partie.
And I'm just glad I got my USB back.
I will totally post my intro to fashion project next, and explain the way it was constructed and the challenge and everything. It was way stressful, but by now I am legit doing nothing. ....Not that there's nothing to do. I've just been spending the day catching up on the 4 episodes of gossip girl I have been missing.
As always much love! And I hope to run into all of you.
Best, me